
某局点MSR830 和总部MSRV7 对接IPsec 不成功问题处理
日期:2018-11-13     浏览量:0



某局点总部采用MSRV7 设备和各分支MSR830 对接IPsec,现场其他分支都已正常,但是由于业务增加,需要另增加一个分支,IPsec配置跟其他分支都一致,但是新增加的分支IPsec 一直无法建立起来,查看debug信息第一阶段都正常,但是一直在重传第二阶段的报文。


*Aug 17 13:51:53:014 2018 center IKE/7/PACKET: vrf = 0, src = 183.252.16.x, dst = 183.251.95.x/33798
Sending packet to 183.251.95.x remote port 33798, local port 4500.    //发送第二阶段报文给对面
*Aug 17 13:51:53:014 2018 center IKE/7/PACKET: vrf = 0, src = 183.252.16.x, dst = 183.251.95.x/33798
  I-COOKIE: 9a2dc5d39198137a
  R-COOKIE: dbc7a3965defb1b9
  next payload: HASH
  version: ISAKMP Version 1.0
  exchange mode: Info
  flags: ENCRYPT
  message ID: ad5c2db0
  length: 84
*Aug 17 13:51:53:015 2018 center IKE/7/PACKET: vrf = 0, src = 183.252.16.x, dst = 183.251.95.x/33798
Sending an IPv4 packet.
*Aug 17 13:51:53:015 2018 center IKE/7/EVENT: vrf = 0, src = 183.252.16.x, dst = 183.251.95.x/33798
Sent data to socket successfully.
*Aug 17 13:51:53:269 2018 center IKE/7/PACKET: vrf = 0, src = 183.252.16.x, dst = 36.157.202.x/14089
Retransmit phase 2 packet.            //没有收到对面的回应,重传第二阶段的报文
*Aug 17 13:51:53:269 2018 center IKE/7/PACKET: vrf = 0, src = 183.252.16.x, dst = 36.157.202.x/14089
Sending packet to 36.157.202.x remote port 14089, local port 4500.
*Aug 17 13:51:53:269 2018 center IKE/7/PACKET: vrf = 0, src = 183.252.16.x, dst = 36.157.202.x/14089
  I-COOKIE: e38c3cf0b9c36679
  R-COOKIE: 65ca3aeb14c44f2e
  next payload: HASH
  version: ISAKMP Version 1.0
  exchange mode: Quick
  flags: ENCRYPT
  message ID: 71a4e0e6
  length: 164
后续多次debug 分析,都是同样的debug 信息,总部一直在发源端口是4500的报文,但是一直没有收到分支的回包,怀疑是中间线路对端口有限制,建议联系运营商确认。


最终更换运营商线路之后,测试IPsec 正常建立成功。